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The 9 Best Crystals for Protection and Security

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The Most Beloved Crystals for Protection

Everywhere, in every time period, people have highly esteemed crystals for their protective prowess, using them as charms and keepsakes in many societies. If you’re looking to maintain a shield of protection (or even just a little wall) so you can go about your business without being bothered, then you’re in luck. We’re going to walk you through the top nine most effective (and popular) crystals used today for protection, each famous for its unique ability to act as a bulwark against negative energy and other potentially harmful forces.

Black Tourmaline: The Ultimate Protector

Tourmaline, especially in its black variety, is well known as a crystal for protection. It is reputed as a potent energy cleanser, repelling bad energies that might otherwise be attracted to a person, place, or thing. Dr. Judy Hall, author of many books on crystal healing, claims that carrying or wearing black tourmaline is tantamount to having a protective shield around you. She also says that this crystal is an excellent grounding tool, helping to balance and anchor energies in your environment.

Black Obsidian: Reflecting Negative Energy

Obsidian, especially Black Obsidian, is one of the best protective crystals. It absorbs and dissolves negative energy like no other stone. Your average Black Obsidian has a smooth surface that serves as a nearly perfect mirror. That mirror-like quality is what makes Obsidian so good at reflecting negativity back to its source. Black Obsidian is a pretty straightforward protection stone, but it is also excellent at revealing hidden truths. If it doesn’t block a psychic attack outright, it at least reveals what kind of witchy business is being done to you so that you can address it.

Bloodstone: Grounding and Empowering Protection

Bloodstone is a potent protective crystal, with grounding and purifying abilities. It is especially effective at sending negative energy packing and providing good, old-fashioned “courage and strength.” In other words, if you’re looking to boost your good vibrations and fill your environment with the positive energy that can just plain help you get through tough times, bloodstone is an excellent talisman for doing just that. But don’t mistake it for merely a good-luck charm; its ability to empower, heal, and renew is nothing short of miraculous.

Labradorite: Protective and Fortuitous

Labradorite is a stunning crystal that is known for its play of colors, which can only be fully appreciated in direct light. The most mesmerizing specimens showcase bright bursts of blue with green and gold somewhere in the mix. This is nature’s way of showing off a crystal that has both protective and fortuitous qualities. In short, if you’re having a bad day, labradorite can help because it acts as a force field, balancing your aura, enhancing your way intuition and spiritual insight.

Smoky Quartz: Versatile and Grounding Protection

Smoky quartz is an incredibly versatile crystal for protection. It’s not just one of the best crystals for shielding; it’s also (by far) my favorite grounding stone. Fortunately, smoky quartz isn’t rare, making it readily available almost everywhere. When I think of smoky quartz, I think of it not just as a stone to protect one’s field from negative energies and environmental stress but also as a fantastic go-to when you feel slightly “off” or more vulnerable than usual.

Obsidian: A Classic Protective Stone

Obsidian is widely regarded as a classic protective stone. It is commonly used to reflect and absorb negative energy that is directed toward a person. This gemstone is also known for good emotional balance, as it allows one’s emotions to surface in a safe manner. Although not commonly known, Obsidian is also good for maintaining physical balance. If a person is feeling “off” physically, Obsidian can help one get back on track. Like Black Onyx, this stone is considered one of the best at dispelling fear and anxiety, making it quite beneficial in times of stress and uncertainty.

Selenite: High-Vibration Purification and Protection

Selenite is a high-vibration crystal that offers powerful protection. This is a crystal that is excellent for purification, both of spaces and of auras. You can use it to create clear, protected spaces. Once that is established, it can also be used to access purer, clearer forms of spiritual guidance, as well as be invoked in healing work.

Clear Quartz: The Master Healer and Protector

Clear Quartz, hailed as the “master healer,” is an adaptable stone for both protective and therapeutic uses. Its strength lies in the way it reinforces and uplolds the fortifying attributes of other stones. Thus, it is particularly effective when paired with other stones that bring protection and good fortune. Within the realm of psychic spaces, Clear Quartz functions much like a window, allowing a clear view through to the other side. Psychologically, this means that Clear Quartz can help one zero in on exactly what is needed for protection and guidance.

Shungite: Protecting Against EMFs

Shungite is an ancient mineral with a storied past. It is renowned for its protective properties, especially when it comes to guarding against the top modern-day menace—electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs). These pollution-creating waves are emitted by cell towers, radio antennas, and the tens of thousands of other devices and gadgets we use daily. (Above and beyond any cathartic conversation we might have on the phone.) Right now, shungite could prove essential to your health.

Incorporating Protective Crystals into Your Daily Life

Incorporate protective crystals into your everyday routine to tap into their powerful energies, and use them to create a resilient sanctuary that keeps negativity from entering and lets your well-being flourish.

Ways to Add Protection Crystals to Your Daily Life

Adding protection crystals to your daily life can form an impressive wall against all kinds of bad vibes and nasty influences. Here are ways to do that in some simple, yet effective, manners.

Protection Crystals: How to Set Them Up in Your Home

Start your home’s transformation into a safe and harmonious space by placing protection crystals throughout.
Entryways and Doors: To keep negative energies from entering, set Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian near your main door.
Living Spaces: For a gentle energy boost and to keep everything flowing nicely, work with Labradorite or Clear Quartz.
Bedrooms: For a calm, restorative space, you can’t go wrong with Selenite or Smoky Quartz.
Workspaces: To keep your mind sharp and your focus directed, place Shungite or Hematite next to your electronics.

Make Grids with Stones for Protection

A crystal grid is a way of combining the energies of different crystals for a specific purpose. The most basic way of understanding a crystal grid is to see it as a combination of two or more stones whose specific properties make them work well together for a chosen goal. In this case, we want to achieve a protection stone grid. Following are the steps to achieve that goal.

Using Protection Crystals During Meditation

Using protection crystals while meditating can deepen one’s connection to these powerful stones and reinforce the energy that forms one’s aura. Not everyone has the privilege of being able to meditate in a quiet place (and even then, sometimes a so-called “meditative” space can feel too noisy), but if it’s something you feel like you want to try, then really all you need is a spot you can comfortably sit in for a little while and a stone such as Black Onyx, Smoky Quartz, or some other protective crystal clutched in your hands or laid on your body. Breathe deeply, close your eyes, and imagine with all your might that a protective force field much like the one that surrounds Superman is now doing the same for you, only with crystals.

Rituals for Protection

To make your protection rituals even more powerful, try incorporating crystals into them. Here are a few easy ones to do:
Cleansing Ritual: Keep your crystals cleansed and their protective properties will be enhanced. To cleanse your crystals, hold them under running water (if the crystal is water-safe), place them in sunlight or moonlight, or use a sage stick to smudge them (like you would a room) and clear away any negativity the crystal may have absorbed.
Protective Bath Ritual: To make a bath that will help safely protect you, take a few drops of essential oil (lavender or eucalyptus work well) and mix them right into the water. Place crystals of Black Tourmaline and/or Selenite around the tub. As you soak, imagine the water is washing away all negative energies and anything else that might try and mess with your aura!

Crystal Jewelry for Protection

There is a lot of different jewelry worn across the world, but making your jewelry choice with a certain crystal can give you the protection you need while looking stylish at the same time. For instance, if you’re going to wear a necklace or pendant, crystals like black tourmaline or labradorite are ideal. If neck adornments aren’t your style but bracelets and rings are, smokey quartz or black onyx could keep your hands and arms nice and protected while you’re still in an office setting. For earrings, you can’t go wrong with a couple of protective stones, like hematite or selenite.

Conclusion: The Power of Protection Crystals

In conclusion, the use of protection crystals in your daily life can offer a potent line of defense against negative energies and influences. You can arrange them around your living space, incorporate them into your meditation practices, set up crystal grids, perform rituals, or wear them as adornments. However, you choose to use them, these gems can make you feel safer and more positive in your space.

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