The Allure and Healing Nature of Blue Crystals
For centuries, humans have recognized the allure and the compelling healing nature of blue crystals and gemstones. The range of tones available in these stones, from light to deep blue, speaks to an exceptional beauty and an unfathomable depth that enchant virtually anyone who encounters them. Calmness and clarity indeed come to mind, but what about communication? Blue stones are often associated with being understood and understanding oneself. Yet, beyond their simple beauty, what unique properties do blue crystals and gemstones hold, and what are their names? We will explore that in this article.
The Power of Blue Apatite for Communication and Self-Expression
The Deep Blue Apatite is a lively blue gemstone recognized for its capacity to amplify communication and self-expression. Often, this deep blue crystal’s beauty beguiles its beholder. And while that is fine and good, the Blue Apatite’s real allure resides in its unparalleled ability to yield a potent intellectual stimulus. Consequently, Blue Apatite can help you achieve the dual states of mind necessary to ask the right questions and then sort through the answers once the questions have been posed.
Aquamarine: A Stone of Calm and Tranquility
The soothing blue gemstone, aquamarine, is thought to be calming because of its color and because of its association with the sea. For many, the sea is the very definition of tranquility, a virtually limitless expanse of water that ebbs and flows, a soothing insistence, and an undulating surface that catches the light in so many ways, making it seem almost alive. If the sea is not quite the utterly calming space that it seems to be, it is at least a space that comes pretty close, and one that many seek out for their mental and spiritual reprieves.
Azurite: A Crystal for Spiritual Understanding
The brilliant blue crystal known as azurite boasts not just a striking appearance but also a potent set of spiritual and intuitive connotations. Associated with the mediation and enhancement of the user’s understanding of their ‘inner self,’ as well as the betterment of their connections to various ‘higher’ planes, the use of azurite is said to carry a number of benefits. Among these are the enhancement of the quality and the depth of the user’s meditations and the stimulation of the third-eye chakra, or the ‘ajna’ center.
Turquoise: A Stone of Protection and Emotional Balance
The blue-green crystal called turquoise is held in high esteem for its protective and healing qualities. This blue gem has a long-standing reputation for bringing balance and calm to those who wear it; it is perhaps best known today for being the stone of emotional stability. It is also associated with better communication and clearer self-expression. In addition to all that, it must be said that turquoise is gorgeous. Its distinctive shade of blue-green daylight is unmatched among other blue crystals and is a true showstopper in any jewelry piece.
Kyanite: A Crystal for Chakra Alignment and Clear Thinking
Bright blue Kyanite is a crystal that does not need to be cleansed, as it is incapable of holding onto negative energy. This very blue stone is an excellent tool for meditation and chakra alignment. When it comes to the throat chakra, Kyanite is the ideal stone. There is so much more to this mineral than its beautiful color or its unusual property of being a crystal that doesn’t need cleansing. Clear thinking, logical thought processes, and the ability to communicate well are all ways in which this mineral has been known to work.
Lapis Lazuli: A Stone of Intelligence and Self-Awareness
Lapis lazuli, a deep blue gemstone of historical importance, is known for its potent energy. This blue stone, usually associated with better intelligence and enhanced memory, often brings to mind thoughts of royalty. Lapis lazuli is often thought to stimulate (and therefore open) the third eye chakra, and may even promote more profound self-awareness for the person meditating on it. The deep blue color of lapis lazuli, often flecked with gold, makes it a visually stunning addition to any crystal collection.
Sodalite: A Stone for Mental Clarity and Logical Thinking
Sodalite is a blue stone that promotes tranquility and a sense of mental order. This light blue crystal is best known for its ability to boost logical thinking and enhance the kind of clear, rational conversations that keep teams moving forward. Sodalite is also a kind of “stone of the throat chakra,” helping people get in touch with the way they communicate and express themselves. Overall, it’s an excellent stone if you want to reduce stress and promote mental clarity.
Blue Calcite: A Stone for Calm and Emotional Healing
Blue Calcite is a tranquil light blue crystal acknowledged for its capacity to calm frazzled nerves and reduce anxiety. This blue gemstone is frequently utilized to further emotional healing and boost relaxation. Blue Calcite is also connected with the throat chakra, said to help in the improvement of one’s communication and expression of thoughts. Its soft blue hue makes it a perfect stone for the generation of a peaceful environment.
Celestite: A Crystal for Spiritual Growth and Peace
Celestite, a crystal of pale blue hue, is famous for its high vibrational energy and strong ties to the angelic realms. Often used during meditation, celestite can heighten one’s regard for the spiritual world while simultaneously bringing peace to the individual meditating. Though celestite is commonly associated with the throat chakra, it can also be linked to the crown chakra as both stones work in tandem to facilitate better communication and foster growth of the spirit.
Angelite: A Stone for Tranquility and Angelic Communication
Angelite, a light blue crystal, is known to induce a state of soothing calm and peace in its beholders. Often used in the practice of meditation, the properties of this lovely light blue stone (really, a kind of gypsum not often found in jewelry or ornamental objects) extend well beyond just tranquility. To some, angelite is considered a crystal for “angelic” communication.
Larimar: A Rare Stone for Emotional Balance and Relaxation
Hue: Light blue interspersed with white.
Attributes: Properties of the stone associated with the color.
Leo and Pisces are the signs of the zodiac that this stone corresponds with.
Affirmation: I am a relaxed, in control, and emotionally steady human. One found only in the Dominican Republic, Larimar is a rare stone. This blue gemstone is known for its calming, soothing properties, and it evokes the energy of the sea and sky—making it perfect for stress relief and relaxation. When ocean waves are calm, they make smooth, steady sounds and can be considered healing sounds. The blue (light blue in particular) of this stone is one of the ocean’s colors.
Tanzanite: A Stone for Intuition and Spiritual Communication
Hue: Bright blue to violet
Attributes: Intuition, clear communication, and the ability to see the spiritual path
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius, Aries
Affirmation: “I have the ability to hear and understand the words of the spiritual teachers I seek.” Tanzanite is known for its almost too-good-to-be-true hue. If you are in the market for a tanzanite, make sure you’re dealing with a reputable dealer because prices have been known to be inflated. Still, there’s no denying that tanzanite is a beautiful and powerful stone that could serve you well in your meditation and intuition practices.
Chrysocolla: A Stone for Emotional Healing and Self-Expression
Chrysocolla is a blue-green crystal celebrated for its calming and purifying qualities. This blue gemstone is generally employed to engender emotional equilibrium and to facilitate interaction at a higher level. Although it is not associated with any particular zodiac sign, it seems to resonate most closely with Taurus and Gemini. Being a throat chakra stone, it promotes self-expression and the duality of one’s nature in a most harmonious manner. When one looks into its depths, a host of varying shades will greet the eye, thanks to the copper inclusions from which it’s made.
Blue Lace Agate: A Stone for Calm Communication
Blue lace agate is a light blue stone with white banding. It is a soft yet potent stone that carries the energy of calm. It helps its wearer or holder to experience peace and inner stillness. This blue stone is especially good for soothing the overactive energy of the mind. When the mind is not racing, it is easier to communicate clearly and without fear of being misunderstood. For this reason, blue lace agate is also associated with the throat chakra, helping one to speak their truth in a clear, calm, and collected manner.
Blue Crystals for the Throat Chakra: Enhancing Communication
Crystals of blue color such as Aquamarine and Lapis Lazuli assist in lining up the throat chakra. They push forth clear communication and help one put into words what one is attempting to express as well as assist with understanding the truth of a situation.
Throat Chakra and Blue Crystals: Aligning Communication and Self-Expression
Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, and Blue Apatite are blue crystals that have a strong correspondence to the throat chakra—the body’s center of communication and self-expression, as well as the nexus of honesty and authenticity.
Blue Crystals for Communication: Healing and Balancing the Throat Chakra
When it comes to opening, balancing, and healing the throat chakra so that a person might experience enhanced verbal communication, the work one might do with blue crystals can promote an unmistakable energy that flows through to accomplish all of the above. In addition, blue is a color of peace, which is definitely something that can assist when an individual is climbing the stage of life to confidently speak one’s truth and build stronger connections with others.
Blue Crystals for Intuition and Spiritual Vision
Crystals of blue hue have the power to improve intuition and spiritual vision. Azurite, Celestite, and Tanzanite are known to stimulate the third eye chakra, the center of intuition and inner wisdom. These stones, held or placed on the body during meditation, are excellent mind expanders. They allow furthermore, a more profound understanding of oneself and the universe. On a more practical level, blue crystals can help focus one’s spiritual energy on improving not just the meditation experience but also connection with the divine and life guidance in general.
Blue Crystals and Healing Emotions
It is a well-known fact that the color blue helps to reduce stress and calm a person. For some, the color blue has the same effect as being in the presence of water or a still body of vapor. What better way to obtain that state of tranquility than with a blue crystal? Blue Calcite, Sodalite, and Angelite are three well-known crystals in the world of healing that happen to be blue. They are excellent crystals to work with when your emotions have the upper hand, and they surely won’t hurt if you happen to be prone to a few emotional outbursts.
Ways to Use Blue Crystals in Daily Life
You can incorporate blue crystals and stones into different spheres of your everyday existence to take advantage of their soothing and restorative powers. The following are a few effective methods to fully utilize these aesthetically pleasing blue rocks and gems:
Meditating with Blue Crystals: Holding and Placing for Deeper Focus
When it comes to the stillness of meditation, there are two primary ways to utilize the crystals mentioned above: holding them and placing them on your body.
Using Blue Crystals in Jewelry for Daily Influence
Make it personal. Add blue gemstones like aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and blue apatite to your jewelry collection. When these three stones are worn as daily jewelry, their energy is more likely to influence the wearer’s state of being. And these three are great for making clear and direct jewelry, as they’re all relatively affordable and easy to find.
Carrying Blue Crystals: Pocket Stones for Everyday Calm
Your pocket is a portal. Put small blue stones into your pocket. When you give them the portal of your pocket or purse, the small stones then chill inside and hold a safe space. When you pull them out and hold them, you’re accessing that space. It’s a great reason to have small blue stones on your person.
Enhancing Living and Working Spaces with Blue Crystals
Ambiance and Arrangement: Surround yourself with blue stones in your living and working spaces to make them more conducive to tranquility. Stress reduction is a likely benefit of such arrangements, but whether these stones confer the promised benefits of their crystal energies, I cannot say.
Using Blue Crystals in Therapeutic Practices
A step further in this practice involves “crystal grids.” Grids are geometric arrangements of crystals, often used by “crystal practitioners” to enhance specific intentions and facilitate the energetic benefits of the stones used in the grid.
Balancing Chakras with Blue Crystals in Reiki and Meditation
Therapeutic Practices
Balancing Chakras: When practicing chakra balancing, use blue crystals, such as Blue Kyanite or Tanzanite. These stones can be placed on the throat or third-eye chakras during the session to enhance energy flow and balance.
Final Thoughts on Blue Crystals and Their Healing Powers
The blue stones and crystals described above are simple tools to use for enhancing (or kick-starting) communication on all levels—verbal, written, emotional, or intuitive—and any stone that you find beautiful may also be a good tool for you, since beauty elicits feelings of calm and happiness.