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Aquamarine: Healing Properties, Meaning, and Uses

Crystals For Sleep 10 Stones To Get You Into REM
Crystals For Sleep 10 Stones To Get You Into REM

Fast Facts

Aquamarine is well known and cherished for its tranquil energies that bring calm to our minds and emotions. It has been regarded since ancient times as a stone of the sea and a bringer of peace. It promotes not only serene interpersonal communication but also helps reduce and eliminate stress, especially if you carry it around in midday sunlight. Because it is both a stone of the sea and a turquoise color—a color of water—it’s particularly potent for inducing calm meditative states.

I learned all of this about aquamarine when I was researching my college thesis.

Chakra and Origins of Aquamarine

Chakra: Mainly resonates with the Throat Chakra, enabling clear and truthful communication. Some connect it with the Heart Chakra for a resonance of emotional balance and compassion.

Esteemed origins encompass Brazil, Nigeria, Madagascar, Zambia, Pakistan, and Mozambique; each produces uniquely distinct qualities of the gem.

Color and Birthstone

Color: The colors predominantly displayed are from the blue to green-blue spectrum, bringing to mind thoughts of the sea.

March’s birthstone is recognized the world over. Those born in this month are said to be blessed with the happiness, courage, and understanding that this stone bestows.

Comprehending Aquamarine: Its Properties of Healing, Significance, and Applications

The aquamarine crystal, with its mesmerizing blue-green tint, has enchanted humanity for centuries. Shaped by nature’s artistic hand over eons, this stone captures the very essence of the sea’s serene expanses. It has much more than just visual allure, though, as it occupies a coveted and honored place in the cultural, historical, and spiritual narratives of people all around the world. From the Romans to modern day, aquamarine’s uses and meanings have been many, including the belief that it could bring about courage, calm, and creativity. It’s high time we pay aquamarine its due, since it’s far from an obscure gemstone. Let us consider it, and the many facets it has, in the deep dive that follows.

Aquamarine Stone’s Myths and History

Aquamarine’s appeal is far more than cosmetic; it is the product of millennia of human history and interaction with this lovely blue stone. Elongated, carved, or faceted, the blue beryl has served as a vehicle of artistic expression since antiquity. Revered by ancient cultures, the aquamarine has assumed roles in talismans and amulets, a gemstone of the worth and magical properties thought necessary to ensure safe passage for sailors and good health for those who might be impacted by the cerulean crystal’s beauty.

People of ancient Egypt viewed aquamarine amulets as happy symbols that conferred eternal youth. Egyptians believed the stone had soul-rejuvenating powers, keeping the spirits of the departed young and lively in the afterlife. Romans thought of aquamarine as a cure-all, especially for problems related to the stomach, liver, and mouth. On aquamarine’s healing powers, one ancient Roman wrote, “it acts on the stomach and liver…but if for the mouth, wear it in the way of a ring.” Carvings of frogs on aquamarines were thought to help those who had fallen out with each other make amends.

Fabled Stories and Beliefs

The most enduring legends say that aquamarine crystal was the treasure of mermaids. These aquatic beings were said to keep jewel caskets made of aquamarine, which formed a protective layer around their treasure. Sailors would then wear the stones to keep them safe and prevent them from getting seasick. Its serene color was thought to calm waves and keep mariners safe. But even more than a safety talisman, it was a stone of courage, said to help men face the dangers of the sea with their hearts steadfast.

The Significance and Properties of Aquamarine—How Aquamarine Can Be Beneficial to You

Peace and Emotional Equilibrium

Peace and emotional equilibrium are what you seek. Often regarded as the ‘stone of serenity,’ aquamarine provides unmatched support when you’re dealing with emotional ups and downs. Its calming vibrations balance the none-too-soothing energies of the ocean waves and help wash away stress, anxiety, and emotional toxins. When life is too much with you, overwhelmed sensations start to ooze from your every pore. Even if you attempt to keep a brave front, aquamarine is there to restore peace, calm, and coping for those who wear or carry it.

You’re Seeking to Improve Interaction and Honesty

Aquamarine is a gemstone that closely aligns with the throat chakra. When it comes to expression and clarity, aquamarine stands out. Perhaps it’s because aquamarine not only represents the throat chakra but also is the color of water. To the ancients, water was the element closest to the divine. Like the water that cools and calms, aquamarine has a soothing energy that brings peace and brings forth the expression of gentle words rather than violent ones.

You Are Enhancing and Elaborating on Your Spiritual Meditation Practices

Submerge yourself in the depths of the oceanic expanses of consciousness with aquamarine as your ally. This gem is known for supercharging meditative practices, particularly for those seeking to explore the unfathomable depths of their inner being and commune with their expanded selves. It is a talisman of tranquility, uniting the wearer’s conscious and subconscious in unison, making it a coveted stone for ascetics and anyone striving for the unattainable clarity and peace of a Buddha-like state.

You Are Looking for a Way to Stay Safe When Traveling Over Water

You are looking for a way to stay safe when traveling over water. Aquamarine has ancient origins and traditions. For millennia, humans have engaged in rituals and worn items imbued with the power of aquamarine. They have believed that this elusive blue-green gemstone could, among other things, guarantee safe travels for those journeying over water, and even, keep safe those engaged in what we might now call “navigating emotional waters.”

Aquamarine for Emotional Balance in Relationships

The delicate hues and the deep energies of aquamarine make it a perfect companion for anyone working seriously on matters of the heart. If you seek the emotional balance necessary for true love, if you’re in a relationship and need to communicate with clarity, or if you’re single and trying to figure out your next move in the murky world of love, this enchanting gemstone urges you to make use of its protective powers in all these scenarios.

Aquamarine Crystal: Ways to Use It in Your Daily Life (Rituals, Meditations, and Home Uses)

Donning Aquamarine

Select aquamarine adornments for your close proximity if you desire the gemstone’s “direct healing energy,” as astrologer and jewelry designer Susan Orem describes the power of wearing aquamarine. Whether you choose a necklace, ring, or bracelet, Orem suggests that aquamarine is most effective when worn consistently. “This gemstone should be a staple in your jewelry box,” she says. “It’s not only for balance and communication but also for protection when you’re swimming in emotional waters.”

Household Placement for Aquamarine

Find the places in your house where you unwind, contemplate, or merely need some peace and quiet. These are the spots where you should position aquamarine crystals or decor items. The ideal environments include the bedroom, study, or a devoted meditation space. After a day filled with tension, pick any aquamarine stone you have on hand and soak in its serenely stunning presence.

Aquamarine’s Meditative Practices Are Paired with the Stone of the Sea

Choose a peaceful location and a comfortable posture. You can either hold the aquamarine in your hands or rest it on your throat chakra. Shut your eyes and direct your attention toward the act of breathing. Picture, if you will, not the behinds of surfers but the kind of undulating waves you might see in an aquarium. Picture, too, the energy of the aquamarine, which is as close as you can get to the stone’s natural habitat—underwater in the light of day, which is when its calming energy is at its peak. The behinds of surfers are, obviously, a picture I hope you will not hold in your mind.

Ritual for Connecting with the Ocean

If you’re close to the ocean, take your aquamarine stone with you when you go to visit. Go to the very edge of the sea and hold the stone in your hand. As the waves wash over your feet, picture the stone’s energy linking with that of the vast ocean. Let its healing energy wash over you, and if you are not feeling a strong sense of connection, place the stone in the water and allow the ocean itself to cleanse and recharge the stone before holding it again.

How to Purify and Recharge Aquamarine

Moonlight Purification

  1. Moonlight Purification: A full moon is the most potent time to place aquamarine outside to purify and recharge it. The gentle energy of moonlight (and even better, full moon light) floods your stone with cleansing energy, ensuring it is fully re-energized for the next moon cycle.

Sacred Herb Purification

  1. Sacred Herb Purification: Pass the aquamarine through the smoke of sacred herbs like sage or palo santo. This ancient purification ritual fills your stone with good energy and resets its vibration.

Sound Purification

  1. Sound Purification: Using a singing bowl, a gong, or even a simple bell can help deeply rejuvenate aquamarine. The sound waves they emit will reset and recharge the stone’s vibration, getting it ready for the next round of energy that it will store.

Water Purification

Water: Rinse your stone under cool, running water for a few minutes. This will not only cleanse the stone physically but also purify it on an energetic level. Pat the stone dry after you rinse it.

Earth’s Embrace

Earth’s Embrace: Bury your stone in the earth for 24 hours or more. The natural energy of the earth will cleanse the stone of any negative energy it may have absorbed and will recharge it.

Cleansing with Cluster Energy

Cleansing with Cluster Energy: Place your stone near a clear quartz cluster or selenite. The energy of these cleansing stones will “do the work” of cleansing the Aquamarine for you and will additionally recharge it.

Setting Intentions for Aquamarine

Once you have cleansed your crystal, it is time to set your intention with it. To do this, hold the stone in your hands, close your eyes, and concentrate on the specific way you want the Aquamarine to assist you. This programming process makes the crystal uniquely yours, aligning it with your spiritual and emotional purpose in a way that guarantees its continued potency and presence in your life.


In closing, aquamarine is a gem that promises calm, clarity, and profound emotional healing—a promise fulfilled in making it a stone of choice for both jewelry and deep meditative practices. Aesthetically, not much will catch the eye quite like aquamarine, especially considering its favorite choice for crafting statement pieces. But the oceanic energy of this blue-tinted cousin of emerald goes far beyond looks. Meditate with aquamarine, and you’re likely to not only find your breathing synchronized but also feel the stone working its magic on your emotional body. While you might not have much else but a sliver of hope for the future, let aquamarine show you the light at the end of the tunnel.

To include this in your daily life doesn’t have to be anything ostentatious. As we’ve looked at, the really basic things you can do can seem almost mundane: Wear the stone around your neck. Hold it during a few minutes of meditation. If you can, do it near a body of water. If not, take a bath in salt water instead on those days when you indulge in that practice. Work in a ritual that has meaning to you. The practices you engage in to work with this stone don’t have to be anything that’s going to make you feel self-conscious. They can be as plain and simple as any of us might choose to make them.

References/Further Reading

Simmons, Robert, and Ahsian, Naisha. The Book of Stones: Who They Are and What They Teach. North Atlantic Books, 2007.
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals. Godsfield Press, 2003.
Permutt, Philip. The Complete Guide to Crystal Chakra Healing. CICO Books, 2009.
Raven, Hazel. Angel Bible: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Angels. Sterling Publishing, 2008.
Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Crystal, Gem & Metal Magic. Llewellyn Publications, 2002.
Pellant, Chris. Eyewitness: Crystal & Gem. DK Children, 2004.
Ashworth, Sue, and Lilly, Simon. The Essential Guide to Crystals. Sterling, 2006.
Fisher, Cally. The Energy of Earth’s Treasures. New Age Publications, 2010.


For any healthcare-related issues, you should see a qualified professional. The material contained in this article does not purport to offer any healthcare advice, particularly for the diagnosis or treatment of medical problems.

Commonly Asked Questions

What Are the Fundamental Metaphysical Traits of Aquamarine?

Aquamarine is considered a stone of valor, lucidity, and empathy—a calming influence that allows the mind and heart to be at peace, leading one to communicate more amicably and to live with less anxiety.

What Is the Connection Between Aquamarine and the Chakras?

The aquamarine stone resonates most strongly with the throat chakra, which governs clear and honest communication. Some believe aquamarine is also connected to the heart chakra, offering up emotional balance and an increased sense of compassion.

Is Aquamarine Helpful for Spiritual Advancement?

Crystal healers hold that aquamarine can hone the abilities of intuition and clairvoyance, potentially making it an even more valuable asset when one is engaging in the act of meditative contemplation.

In What Ways Can Aquamarine Enhance Emotional Healing?

This stone is thought to aid in alleviating longstanding emotional issues, help eliminate bad habits, and promote the development of a positive and kind attitude.

Can Aquamarine Enhance Your Ability to Communicate?

If so, it is believed to be a potent enhancer of communication because of its resonance with the throat chakra. It is said to help one express their thoughts and feelings more clearly and to promote open and peaceful communication.

In What Ways Can Aquamarine Assist in the Practice of Meditation?

By positioning the aquamarine stone on the throat chakra or grasping it during the act of meditating, one may find it conducive to arriving at a tranquil and profoundly deeper meditative state. The stone’s peaceful and tranquil energy might well be one’s ally in clearing not just the mental slate but also in providing assistance toward greater intuitive understandings and insights.

How Does Aquamarine Relate to Water and the Sea?

The very name aquamarine comes from the Latin terms for water and sea. It’s commonly referred to as the “mermaid stone” and is thought by some to keep sailors safe. In terms of metaphysics, aquamarine is linked with the many calming and healing aspects of water and is said to help with emotional cleansing.

Is Aquamarine a Guard Against Bad Vibes?

Some people think it is, believing that the pretty blue-green stone forms a sort of force field around the body and keeps one’s emotions and thoughts from being influenced by another person’s negative energy.

What Is the Best Method for Cleansing and Charging an Aquamarine Crystal for Healing Work?

A favorite method with many of my clients is to let the moonlight do its business, but there are other ways, too, using sage, for example, or a bed of clear quartz (which I use when my own crystals need cleansing). No matter what method you choose, know that intention is key. After cleansing, always state your intentions aloud (or silently, if you prefer) so that the crystal knows what it’s being asked to do.

Is Aquamarine Good for Partnerships and Peace?

Definitely! Aquamarine is reputed to engender understanding and harmony among couples. It assists with self-expression and active listening between partners, helps with soothing conflict resolution, and allows partners to feel, and then articulate, their way to greater understanding of one another.

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